วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

AE: Short Cut

Time Indicator
I   =  move time indicator to firt frame
O =  move time indicator to last frame
J   = move time indicator to left
K  = move time indicator to right

ctrl + ->   = play next frame
ctrl + <-   = play previous frame

Work area bar
B   =  set start point
N  =  set end point

alt + [  =  set start track
alt + ]  =  set end track

[  =  move track to the right of time indicator
]  = move track to the left of time indicator

ctrl + D = duplicate layer
A = show anchor point
P = show position
S = show scale
R = show Rotation
T = show opacity

shift + A (P,S,R,T) = show additional option

U = keyframe used 
UU = show configuration change

V =  selection tool

alt + / =  exit zoom